Wednesday, December 10, 2008

...dari seorang sahabat+teman+kawan...




yahoo messenger~

some1_89yus: woih...maghrib2 duk kat cc ker??

merpati_ground: ko tuh...

merpati_ground: eh yuz ke nih?

some1_89yus: eh aku kat umah...yyus mane lak ni??

merpati_ground: eh spe nih...btw,thnx add me k...

some1_89yus: hhaha....aku la yg comel2 tu

merpati_ground: :-P

merpati_ground: =))

merpati_ground: prsan la tuh..

merpati_ground: ceh ni sure da dpt mara nih...bli laptop n broadbnd ek?ek?

merpati_ground: ;;)

some1_89yus: tak ade la...broadband da lame aku beli....laptop pinjam je taak ade duit nak beli

merpati_ground: coi!!! geli tkak ak bce....haha...

merpati_ground: ye la tuh...

some1_89yus: betul la...tak tipu pun....but khamis ni kalau tak ade pe2 halangan aku beli la....huhuhu

merpati_ground: ha...see...

merpati_ground: haha...

merpati_ground: cmne eid adha?

merpati_ground: bpe ekor arnab ko smelih ek?

merpati_ground: haha

merpati_ground: wey...cmne ko dpt email ym ak ek?

merpati_ground: :-?

some1_89yus: ko ingat ni rayer nak mintak duit kat orang.....malu la nak mintak...aku tak sembelih arnab aku sembeli kucing jer...kakakkaka.....rahsia la mane le gtau

merpati_ground: ko bsuk r...jhat3...

merpati_ground: gtaw r wey..,mne dpt?

some1_89yus: eh mane ko tau aku busuk ni....hahaha...aku tak jahat la just nalak jer kikikiki..

merpati_ground: ayt bru nih...nalak pe wey?

merpati_ground: haha

some1_89yus: ko bukan jawe ker???aku pun tak tau...kakakakaka

merpati_ground: =))

merpati_ground: sndri ckp sndri lu pk la sndri ek...

some1_89yus: aku tau la tapi rahsia maksud ko ni ari2 duk cc ker senja2 ni

merpati_ground: igt nk jp je td...abs ak lyan ko nih..

merpati_ground: hjaha

some1_89yus: eh siot jer....balik la...kalau aku jadi orang syg ko da lame aku bising suh balik

merpati_ground: kre ko syg ak la nih...?

merpati_ground: ;)

merpati_ground: ;;)

some1_89yus: bole kate syg g balik la....

merpati_ground: jp la wey...

merpati_ground: ish....btuah nye ak klo de bf yg tk8cre gler cm ko...jgn gler sudah...

merpati_ground: hu3.

merpati_ground: :-P

merpati_ground: :-P

some1_89yus: aku pun tak tau pe maksud cini tu.......bukan ko da ade pakwe????aku ni giler ker???

merpati_ground: ko knl ke bf ak?

merpati_ground: spe ek bf ak...?

merpati_ground: hu3.

merpati_ground: ish..bpk lmbt gler nk upload pixs kt fs nihhh..

merpati_ground: lem cm sipot tol la...

some1_89yus: aku tak kenal tu aku tanye....tapi ade ke tak....tapi dari ayat ko tadi cam frust bercinter jer?????

merpati_ground: xkn dak2 nih xde cte kot?

merpati_ground: or...t'dgar2 ke...

merpati_ground: hu3.

some1_89yus: tak ade ko ni gtau je la....

merpati_ground: ak agk dh 2bln lbh kot ak break off ngn dia...

merpati_ground: skg stll keep in touch ah...but juz as a fren je..

merpati_ground: b4 cple pon mmg ak dh mbe ngn dia about 1year n half kot..

merpati_ground: dak sgmat gk...

merpati_ground: skg stdy kt taylors cllge..

merpati_ground: :(

merpati_ground: :((

some1_89yus: peh study tempat yg mahal...thats meant dia dalam kategori pandai gak la....pe2 pun aku ade chance lagi...but mcmane le break

merpati_ground: buerkkk...chance pe hah?

merpati_ground: hu3.

merpati_ground: ish...xde la pndi mne pn(ak rse la.ops..agk pndi gk kot)...hu3.

merpati_ground: dia amk tourism...

some1_89yus: tak ade pe2....kuikuikuikui.....oh aku lagi pandai la ni ek...kakakaka....tapi nape le break??

merpati_ground: jp ek wey...

merpati_ground: em...2 la kn org tua2 ckp(mk ak pn ckp.hu3) boy n girl xle jd mbe bek...sure 1 day de feeling pnye...

merpati_ground: cm 2 la ak n dia dlu...

merpati_ground: dan2 dia minx cple..

merpati_ground: but then,org kata gk...kwan snang2 je le btukar jd,kksih xle jd kwan...

merpati_ground: agk2 ko phm x wey...

some1_89yus: aku paham la...sori la tadi aku men game tak pasan meseg da masuk....

merpati_ground: tp kn...kdg2 rse cm nyesal lak coz break ngn dia.xde spe nk tgok2 kn dia.nshatkn dia...lgpn kn....

some1_89yus: ayat ko tergantung ke ape???

merpati_ground: ak cm dh start tol2 syg dia lak..

some1_89yus: huhhuh...baik ko paham ati tu dulu sebelum ko wat pe2 keputusan yg muktamad....bahayer bebe

merpati_ground: yeah rite...

merpati_ground: tol tuh...

some1_89yus: ko wat la homework skit...bout benda2 ni....aku just tak nak ko silap langkah

merpati_ground: ok3...ish...syg gk ko kt ak ek...

merpati_ground: haha

some1_89yus: :D sape tak syg kawan....

merpati_ground: haha...

merpati_ground: ntah la...kdg2 pn cm yg ak crik xtlly...

some1_89yus: the most important baik ko pegang dip tu dulu....dalam mase yg same ko try find yurself clearly....

merpati_ground: aduioh...lmah ak klo org ckp bout dat..hu3.

merpati_ground: ok3 boss...

merpati_ground: hu3.

merpati_ground: :D

some1_89yus: hahaha....nak wat camne ko dengar je la aku bising benda2 ni....:)) but kalau ko nak gak cinte2 ni ko kene try arranged kan mase ngan study....

merpati_ground: yup..dats rite babe...

merpati_ground: ko tuh...cmne ngn syima?

some1_89yus: eh aku otai....bese je....aku rase ko pun dapat rase camne aku jg dia.....kuikuikui....tapi tadi ko kate aku giler nape??

merpati_ground: eh...bkn ko ke yg ckp ko yg gila?

merpati_ground: wey...ak gne no celcom taw wt smntra wktu nih...

some1_89yus: bile mase lak...pandai2 jer....aku da lame gune celcom....bape no ko???

merpati_ground: 0132******...mcll ak skg wey...

merpati_ground: wey..ko amk crse pe ek?

some1_89yus: ha dapat tak???tu no aku...ko mesti amik kat celcom u pek aritu

merpati_ground: ak lpe r...

merpati_ground: yup.taw xpe...ak men amk je r...dh org nk bg kn...haha

merpati_ground: sure ko pn kn?

merpati_ground: hui3.

some1_89yus: aku amik computer eng....nape????le jadi ko xtau....aku amik u pek waktu memb aku wat presentation psl market.....orang petame yg pilih no aku la

merpati_ground: ah ko...sme cm ak..pntang yg free,sauk je la ek...hu3.

some1_89yus: bukan pe aku da boring gune maxis.....mahal...ko tau celcom aku tamat tempoh bile??

merpati_ground: ble?

some1_89yus: waktu hari jadi aku...24/02/2015

merpati_ground: bpk...2015?

merpati_ground: ouh...befday ko 24 feb...?

some1_89yus: jeles la tu....aku pun plik...tpi terime je la....2 aku terus gune celcom...yup 24/ lak

merpati_ground: ak?

merpati_ground: 16/6/1989.....d lhirkn d hsptal sgmat,jhor drul gerek seyy...haha(over la kn..)

some1_89yus: sori....hmm aku lg tua la dari ko ek...

merpati_ground: haha.sdar xpe wey...

merpati_ground: :-P

some1_89yus: tak pe....tua2 pun ade gak orang syg aku....hahahhahah

merpati_ground: ye la kn...mntang2 ak xde org syg(xde bf...)...le la ko jles2kn ak kn....

merpati_ground: :((

some1_89yus: ish tak de la aku baik g....aku tak cakap camtu pun....aku pun bukan ade bf....huhuhuu...malas la nak pk bf2 ni....tunggu je la bile da time

merpati_ground: ah ko dh de girl...mmg la xle nk pk bout bf kn...cbelh waras2 ckt...he.

some1_89yus: bukan aku tak nak waras...tapi pengalaman tu yg ajar aku supaye prepare pe yg ptt...b4 ni aku da ade bf tpi da kate pun laki kan pantang nampak yg lebih dari yg ader...that y aku da bosan ngan aku da plan hidup aku after 25years old baru aku pk benda2 ni....

merpati_ground: yup....sbar la wey...

merpati_ground: boys mostly lyke dat rite?

merpati_ground: ak dh nk out nih...

merpati_ground: akn ku cba hyti+fhmi=nshat2 mu kwan ku...

merpati_ground: lalalala~...ak po&yo...haha

some1_89yus: yup....tapi aku lum sampai tahap tak le lepas kan sape2.....huhuhu....nak g bia g nak datang bia aku lum sampai tak le terima laki....cume nanti2....ok ade mase ko meseg la aku....

merpati_ground: ok...yayang...smpi jmpe nnt...

merpati_ground: send my rgards to ur ****friend k...

merpati_ground: :-?

merpati_ground: jp2...ak nk sve pe yg ko ckp td dlm memory otak ak....

merpati_ground: haha

some1_89yus: ok....anyway take care cpt2

merpati_ground: haha...ok2...u too babe...

merpati_ground: tk8cre uh...

merpati_ground: jge hti n prsaan syima k(opss....kntoi lak nme ur 'fren' tuhhh)haha

merpati_ground: jge gk hti & prsaan ko tuhh kwan...

merpati_ground: ;;)

merpati_ground: O:-)

merpati_ground: :-c

merpati_ground: :-h

some1_89yus: da la abis duit ko lame2 kat sane....aku sentiase jg ati aku....hahah...bye yang:x

merpati_ground: ok bubbye...salam...

some1_89yus: salam to

merpati_ground: #salam too........

merpati_ground: (smpat lg tuh...jhat ak)haha

#dari ngobrolan di atas,apa deh konklusi nya?em....bantuin gw dong ngejawab nya=




sarahmeay.snm said...

sape lah ni eh
*sebuk je*
nanti aku balik kita sama belajar fotografi ya.
aku tak khatam lagi

perawan said...

nggak taw deh..
syapa sih?
amk ko.
okie2,nnt ade mse kte kua ngn mbe ak nk?
ko ktne xtly?
dh lme xnmpk ko?

sarahmeay.snm said...

ade je.
aku pun tak nampak kau